Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Accident Avoidance Workshop Course Content

We go above and beyond driver's ed
The consumer’s level of expectations for any driving program has decreased over the years. Parents and students alike express concern about the value and effectiveness of most driver’s ed programs. Part of this disappointment is because parents expect “driver’s ed” to cover things it’s not designed to cover.

There are two types of driving conditions; Normal Driving Conditions and Emergency Driving Conditions. Driver’s ed covers “Normal Driving Conditions” (what the lines mean, what the signs mean, what the laws are and how to operate the vehicle) to prepare them for their driver's test. The Accident Avoidance Workshops cover “Emergency Driving Conditions” (what to do when everything goes horribly wrong) to prepare them to survive potentially fatal accidents. (For more information on the differences between Normal and Emergency Driving Conditions, go to

Why choose the Accident Avoidance Workshops
The Accident Avoidance Workshops is a dynamic program, evolving as we research crash statistics and collect parents requests. We continuously fine-tune the curriculum to meet the needs and demands of today’s drivers and today's driving environment.
Drivers only control two dynamics of the vehicle: Speed and Direction. We train drivers to stand the best chance of surviving a potentially fatal Emergency Driving Condition, by understanding their vehicle's limitations AS WELL AS their own limitations.

The Accident Avoidance Workshops provides training, instruction and/or exercises in the following areas:
  • Dropping 2-wheels off the side of the road / overcorrection
  • Accident situation simulation
  • Maximum acceleration in a controlled environment
  • Maximum deceleration, both wet and dry conditions
  • Positioning yourself in the vehicle
  • Following distance determination
  • Distracted driving
  • Lane positioning
  • Parking space navigation
  • Learning where the corners of the vehicle are
  • Maximizing on maneuverability / rapid steering
After graduating from the Accident Avoidance Workshops, your student will have demonstrated, or shown they know how to master the skills necessary so that when faced with an Emergency Driving Condition, they will be capable of stopping their vehicle as quickly as physically possible, maximizing on its maneuverability, and never once losing control of themselves, or their vehicle.

We feel every driver should have this ability before being permitted to drive on public roads where their lives and others depend on this basic proficiency.

Goals of the Accident Avoidance Workshops

  • Provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to avoid the most common accidents by increasing their awareness of vehicle dynamics so they learn their car's limitations, their own limitations, and gain a new respect for driving in general.
  • Eliminate the inherent communication barriers that exist between parents and their students.
  • Make over-confident drivers realize they’re not as “in-control” as they thought they were.
  • Make under-confident drivers gain a new confidence in their abilities.
  • MOST-importantly, help parents do everything they can to prevent getting the dreaded phone call at 2:00 in the morning.
  • And LEAST-importantly, help students AND THEIR PARENTS maximize on their insurance discount benefits.